by Ivy from BeautifullySimplyYou I used to think mental illness and mental health was someone else’s problem. I used to think that therapy was useless and I surrounded myself with people who thought the same negative things about therapy as I did. It wasn’t until I was in the midst of being broken that I found myself having a casual …
My Story Continues
My Story Continued… Hi, My name is Olivia Griffith, you probably recognize my name from my original 1N5 video I did less than a year ago. Trust me, I didn’t think I’d be writing another piece to share with the world another diagnosis and it’s not easy. I have written a piece for “Love Thy Enemy” on top of my …
Lauren’s 1N5 Journey
My name is Lauren, I am a junior at the University of Cincinnati and I live with depression and generalized anxiety disorder, and have experienced suicide ideations in the past. Growing up, people would probably have described me as a happy, positive, motivated and a social girl. But in my sophomore year of college, things started to spiral out of …
More Than Just a Number on a Scale
by Ivy from BeautifullySimplyYou “Get on the scale.” “Let’s see what you are weighing in at today.” “We’ve got to get you down to 130.” This is what I heard every day at track practice in the weight room. I was constantly weighing in. At first it was fun for me, as a freshman I was put on a diet …
Life to the Fullest
Empty. The word that describes what my heart felt during middle school. A once bubbly, passionate girl suddenly had the life sucked out of her. Peers and parents constantly asked me, “Where did our Anna go?”, and I had no response. I was left feeling unmotivated, fearful, and unworthy. These feelings grew worse as the transition into high school and …
I’m Justin and this is my 1N5 journey…
Meet Justin who is sharing his brave journey with depression and how the ripple effect of trauma and mental illness can impact everyone in a family. We thank Justin for being so incredibly strong and outspoken! His story is so relatable and will save lives!
Be Kind. It’s Free.
by Ivy from Beautifully Simply You Every morning I take the train to work. I am surrounded by people who are constantly yelling at each other or shoving each other all for their own sole purpose. I can’t lie and say I haven’t said a remark under my breath after being pushed by someone, and I can’t say I haven’t …
So Much More Than My Diagnosis
Carrie from carrie.happyhealthyblog shares her story. I was born very sensitive and empathetic, full of emotions. So at 5, I began to develop feelings of low self-worth and self-esteem as my parents began their long and brutal divorce. The divorce between my parents led me to grow up living two different lives as I visited each household which ran polar …
Spending Time in the Present Moment
by Ivy from Beautifully Simply You How often do you spend being in the present moment? We spend so much time waiting for tomorrow, waiting for something better and constantly forgetting to live in the present and be okay with what we have before our eyes. We say we will be happier when we meet our goal weight or when …
I’m Alyssa and this is my 1N5 journey…
Meet warrior, Alyssa. She’s a local high school student who’s been living with severe depression since the age of six. We love that she’s brave enough to talk about her struggles with depression, eating disorders, self-harm, and comparison and how medication and therapy have changed her life. Thanks, Alyssa for being so open and making others feel less alone.