On Monday, March 30th, Mission2Move shared a Pirate Playtime video to give you a brain break during this time where many of you are starting remote learning. When you need a break, just follow this pirate’s lead to get your body moving, your mind a rest, and to reset your focus! Click here to watch the video!
Coach Stu Encourages Student Athletes to Stay Motivated
On Saturday, March 28th, Coach Stu Holt shared a message to all the student athletes who are currently missing out on their season. He encouraged players to stay motivated and use this time to keep working on themselves both physically and mentally. We’ll continue posting videos to help #spreadlovenotgerms and #bemindfulnotfearful while #copingwithcovid!
Copy Cat Workout
On Friday, March 27th, Ashley from Mission2Move shared a copy cat workout to get your body moving and work out all those stay-at-home jitters. Follow along with her as she walks you through it! Check back Monday for some more #homeworkouts from M2M!
Sometimes We Have to Slow Down to Speed Up and Reach Our Goals
You’ve got to slow down to speed up. My coach used to say this all of the time. It seemed counterintuitive because our main goal was to run faster. But in order to run faster, we had to slow down, pause, and focus on the movement and focus on our form. If we were speeding through all of the movements, …
Hand Breathing for Kids
Sarah Habib, founder of Mission2Move—a chronic stress prevention program that seeks to improve academic performance and the social and emotional behavior of kids through movement and mindfulness—is sharing a meditation tool for kids to use at home to reduce stress and maintain control. Click here to follow along with the video! We will be posting Mission2Move videos every Monday and Friday for …
This Time May Create a Sense of Loss, But Will Also Build Resiliency
Canceled. Canceled. Postponed indefinitely. I feel like that’s all we are hearing now, and although I understand why and I agree with the measures being taken, I also feel and share the immense pain and sense of loss that so many others are feeling. Coronavirus has canceled all of my speaking gigs and legitimately put my career on hold. It …
Self-Love Means Forgiving Yourself When You Mess Up
One of the biggest parts about self-love is forgiving yourself. Forgiving yourself when you feel like you’ve fallen short. Forgiving yourself when you mess up, when you’ve said the wrong thing, when you hurt someone unintentionally. Forgiving yourself when you said too much, or not enough. Forgiving yourself when you ate too much or worked out too much, or not …
Believe in Yourself, Too
Reaching your goals begins with believing in yourself. I thought about this and immediately thought about the movie Acrimony by Tyler Perry. The movie has a lot—and I mean a lot—of twists and turns. The husband has this idea to sell this battery-powered tool, and he believes in his idea when absolutely no one else does. I didn’t like his …
Choose to Be Beautifully Simply You
Some people won’t be your people and some people won’t like us. That’s okay. This is one of the hardest things to be okay with as perfectionists, the idea that other people won’t like us. We aim to be so perfect in everything that we do, that it absolutely pains us when someone sees us as anything different. But no …
Be Patient With Yourself When You Are Struggling
I’m going through a lot. Please be patient with me. Going through this experience with my mom’s cancer has changed me. In some ways, it has taken things from me. One of those things is often my positivity. In some ways, her diagnosis has made me stronger and made me appreciate life more. But in more ways, it has unfortunately …